Michael Baker Receives Two Year Ban
The Western Australian Institute of Sport today received notification from Australian Canoeing that kayaker Michael Baker has received a two year ban for a doping violation.
WAIS was informed of the positive sample by Baker and ahead of the announcement of a sanction by Australian Canoeing undertook it’s own Code of Conduct process due to a violation of the WAIS Nutritional Supplements Policy.
When informing WAIS of his positive sample Baker stated he believed the banned substance may have been inadvertently in a nutritional supplement he had been taking. This nutritional supplement had not been approved by the WAIS Medical Co-ordinator, a direct violation of the WAIS Nutritional Supplements Policy.
The WAIS Nutritional Supplements Policy is designed to protect athletes from situations such as that now affecting Baker and a breach of this policy is considered a serious breach of the WAIS Athlete Code of Conduct.
As part of his WAIS sanction Baker has agreed to play a role in educating his fellow athletes of the dangers of un-approved nutritional supplements.
All athletes are reminded of their obligations in regards to the WAIS Nutritional Supplements Policy and are advised to speak to the Athlete and Coach Services Manager or the WAIS Medical Co-ordinator if they have any queries regarding this policy.