Public update on SIA WAG Report recommendations

Published On: 28 June 2024

PROGRESS UPDATE: Implementation of the SIA WAG Report Recommendations

On 20 April 2022 Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) released its Report of the review of historic allegations of athlete abuse and mistreatment in the Western Australian Institute of Sport Women’s Artistic Gymnastics (WAG) Program which operated between 1988 and 2016.

Following the release of the Report, WAIS committed to undertaking actions under the recommendations, and provide publicly available six-monthly progress updates.

Information about WAIS’ actions in response to the SIA WAIS Women’s Gymnastics Program Report can be accessed on the WAIS website.


Following WAIS’ Governance changes in late 2023 and a highly competitive recruitment process, in April 2024 the WAIS Board appointed Matt Fulton to the role of Chief Executive Officer. Further information on the appointment can be found on the WAIS Website.

Over the last 6-months WAIS has participated in an independent WAIS Safeguarding Culture and Governance Review conducted by the DLGSC and KPMG. WAIS expects the process to be finalised in the coming months.

WAIS and the DLGSC have begun steps to acquit oversight of implementation of the SIA WAIS Women’s Gymnastics Program Report; with the exception of the restorative and reconciliatory process with impacted gymnasts which will continue to be supported until resolution.

Recommendation 1: WAIS adopt the National Integrity Framework including the independent complaint handling process.

Action: WAIS will continue to work with SIA and other stakeholders to achieve the required policy alignment for recognition as a SIA NIF compliant organisation (Complete)

Action: WAIS will adopt SIA as one of its independent complaint handling options once SIA has confirmed WAIS’ policy alignment with the NIF. (Complete)

WAIS is the first National Institute Network organisation to formally sign up to the Sport Integrity Australia National Integrity Framework. The WAIS National Integrity Framework policies came into effect on the 1 January 2024, and Sport Integrity Australia’s independent complaint handling channel is available to WAIS stakeholders for SIA in-scope matters. In January 2024, Sport Integrity Australia and WAIS appointed a WAIS Safeguarding and Integrity Manager, who has continued to develop, educate and embed integrity-related policies, procedures, and practices at WAIS. In February 2024, Sport Integrity Australia and WAIS partnered to co-deliver initial education to WAIS staff, athletes and families on the NIF.

Recommendation 2: WAIS must ensure that all sport programs involving children are child-focused and age appropriate.

Action: WAIS will seek an independent review of its current athlete management policies to identify any opportunities to further improve athlete empowerment – with a focus on empowering children and young people. (Complete)

Action: WAIS will undertake a review of parental engagement in its sport programs to identify any potential opportunities to further improve supporting policy and practice. (Complete)

WAIS engaged the Australian Childhood Foundation to conduct two concurrent reviews in response to the SIA WAG Report. In November 2023, the Australian Childhood Foundation presented WAIS with a final report which provided insights to WAIS on what WAIS is currently doing well and the opportunities to improve in the areas of athlete empowerment and parent engagement to support safeguarding outcomes. WAIS has identified and incorporated key areas of priority into 2024 action plans.

As part of this implementation, WAIS:

  • Has developed a Child Safe Commitment Statement (available on the WAIS website)
  • Will shortly establish an inaugural Athlete Advisory Committee to ensure the voices of athletes are heard and athletes are consulted in decision making.
  • Has also taken steps to improve information for and internal processes regarding parents.

Action: WAIS will liaise with its various National and State Sport Organisation partners and the AIS Coach Development Team to develop and/or provide Inservice courses for coaches in the areas of child development

The Australian Sports Commission, Sport Integrity Australia and WAIS have established a joint Memorandum to develop a national course for coaching children in high-performance environments – with WAIS providing financial and in-kind support. The expert consultant has completed the course content, and the modules are currently being developed by Sport Integrity Australia. The course is anticipated to be available in 2024.

Recommendation 3: WAIS should continue to embed athlete wellbeing into policies, procedures, and practices within all sport programs.

Action: All WAIS Performance Enhancement Division staff will be inducted and trained on the Disordered Eating Early Identification and Prevention Policy by 30 June 2022. (Complete)

WAIS has worked collaboratively with Sport Integrity Australia to develop a WAIS Education Plan on the National Integrity Framework, which is being implemented with staff, contractors, athletes and families. Factsheets including child-friendly factsheets now accompany the WAIS National Integrity Framework policies.

WAIS has procured an eLearning platform to enhance athlete education of WAIS policies focussed on providing a safe, inclusive, and rewarding high performance sport experience. The platform and initial modules have been built. WAIS expects to officially release the platform in 2024.

Recommendation 4: WAIS, in collaboration with the impacted Gymnasts, engage in a restorative and reconciliatory process.

Action: WAIS will liaise with impacted gymnasts to develop and engage in an agreed restorative and reconciliatory process.

The WAIS Board continues to work with the Department of Justice, the DLGSC, and impacted gymnasts through the restorative justice process. In May 2024, WAIS welcomed the State Government announcement to offer individual acknowledgement payments to eligible former WAIS gymnasts, as an important step in recognising the harm suffered by gymnasts in the program. More information on this can be found on the WAIS Website.

Additional areas of action supporting athlete care and wellbeing:

  • In July 2024, WAIS will release a new reporting and complaints management system which aligns with Sport Integrity Australia’s National Integrity Framework complaint process. This system will be available to all WAIS stakeholders to lodge reports and complaints, and will assist WAIS to effectively capture and manage them to resolution.