WAIS welcomes Athlete Safeguarding Governance and Culture review
The Western Australian Institute of Sport (WAIS) has welcomed the announcement of the Athlete Safeguarding Governance and Culture review by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC).
Acting CEO Matt Fulton said ‘this review is a step towards ensuring that the well-being of our athletes is a primary focus for all staff within WAIS.’
He added that ‘KPMG will be leading the review, and to ensure its success, I encourage athletes, coaches, and anyone who has been a part of WAIS over the past 5 years to have their say, and contribute to the review. Your feedback and insights will be fundamental in making sure our practices and policies are comprehensively evaluated, and help us identify areas for improvement.’
‘We view this as an opportunity to further strengthen our commitment to excellence, and most importantly, another way to improve wellbeing and the experience of athletes involved in our programs.’
At WAIS, we strive to provide the best possible environment for athletes to excel, not just in their sports, but in their overall development. There are a variety of ways you can contribute to the review, including a cultural perceptions survey which is now open to all current and former (within last 5 years) athletes, families including parents and guardians of athletes, coaches and staff. In addition, there is an expression of interest form for those wishing to be involved in in-person consultation. Full details can be found on the following DLGSC Athlete Safeguarding Governance and Cultural Review website.’
‘I speak on behalf of everyone at WAIS that we are committed to excellence, transparency, and the wellbeing of our athletes’ Mr Fulton said.