Being a High Performance Athlete

Published On: 20 September 2013

Being a High Performance Athlete: Foundation Unit session for Potential International Athletes

We are excited to invite you to this event, which is the inaugural Foundation Unit for the Building High Performance Athletes education program.

Kindly note that this program is compulsory for all PI level athletes, so please register your attendance through the link below. If you have any major problems with attendance, please speak with your coach as soon as possible.

This session is an introduction to the Building High Performance Athletes Education Program, and will cover motivating topics such as characteristics, values, commitment and work ethic required to be successful as a high performance athlete, delivered by those that have already achieved at the top level.

You will also receive further information about the full program to set you up for participation in what will be a highly useful athlete development program – designed to help you learn, and progress along the high performance pathway.

Light refreshments (food & drink) will be provided.

Bring something with you so you can take notes.


  • You must register to attend the event
  • To register, follow this linkwhich will take you to the “Eventarc” web site > choose 1 ticket quantity and click “register“, then fill out your details
  • Once you complete your registration, the website will generate an event ticket for you
  • You will need to bring your Eventarc ticket with you on the night to gain entry. So either PRINT a copy, or you can SAVE A PIC/COPY of it in your smartphone/tablet and show us that on the night.

For any questions, please see your coach, or (Program Coordinator) Kate Bobridge:, 9387 8166

We look forward to seeing you on the 23rd October.